Wednesday 8 August 2012

USBasp - USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers

About The Programmer
USBasp is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. It simply consists of an ATMega48 and 

ATMega88 an ATMega8 and a couple of passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver,
 no special USB controller is needed.


  • Works under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows are tested.
  • No special controllers or smd components are needed.
  • Programming speed is up to 5kBytes/sec.
  • SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (< 1,5MHz).

Simple Steps to made This programmer

Step 1:-

Download:Firmware and circuit
The following packages include circuit and firmware.
Firmware is the software which going to be burn into programmer's microcontroller, this firmware have code to 

enable the programmer to communicate with pc via usb and target microcontroller.

Click This link to dwonload the Firware and circuit     
usbasp.2011-05-28.tar.gz (519 kB )      UPDATED
, installing and using USBasp.

Schematic USB AVR Mircrocontroller progammer

Step 2:- 

Buy The parts You need

Part                   Descirption           Qty
ATMEGA8             Microcontroller           1
3.6 Volts              Zeaner Diode                 2
22pf                      Capacitor                       2             
100nf                    Capacitor                       1    
4.7uf                     capacitor                        1
12Mhz                  Crystal                             1 
10K                        Resistance                      1
1K                           Resistance                     3
68ohm                  Resistance                      2
2.2K                       Resistance                      1
LED                        Led  (Red & Geen)        2
USB connector                                             1
USB Cable                                                     1    
3 Way dip switch                                         1       

Step 3:-

 PCB and Part Soldering:-

    You can create your own pcb using any PCB editor like eagle, OR you can solder the circuit a general purpose
A Genral Purpose  PCB
USB AVR Programmer PCB Created by Me For your use
USB AVR  Programmer pcb

Step 4:-

Getting The Atmega8 Microcontroller Ready To be used as a programmer:-
Getting the atemega8 microcontroller ready to be inserted into the newly soldered pcb ,and start working. you 
have to burn the firmware which you just downloaded in the Step 1   into the atmega8 microcontroller.  you can use
 the serial avr programmer to get this job done. click here to know about how to make a serial avr progammer and 
how to program the atmega8 by using a serial avr programmer. 

Note:- Make sure you burn the right fuse bit configration along with the firmware into atmega8 microcontroller
for atemega8   the fuse bit are
atmega8        HFUSE=0xC9     LFUSE=0xEF


Step 6:-

Driver installation on a PC:-

            At the first time when you connect your programmer to the pc your programmer will be dected as usbasp 
and you have to provide a proper path for drivers to be installed.
USB AVR prorammer Dected By the widnows
Give the Instruction for a specfic location driver installation
Give the path for driver to be installed
USB AVR Programmer installed

USB AVR programmer is being connected and shown in device manager

On Linux and MacOS X no kernel driver is needed.
Windows requires a driver for (274 kB)

Note: Windows Vista/7 x64 now support with new driver . update your drive with new one..

Step 6:-

Programming the other microcontrollers:-

You can use any of these software to burn the hex file in to the traget microcontrollers.
  • AVRDUDE supports USBasp since version 5.2.  , (A comand line tool) 
  • BASCOM-AVR supports USBasp since version 
  • Khazama AVR Programmer is a Windows XP/Vista GUI application for USBasp and avrdude.
  • eXtreme Burner - AVR is a Windows GUI Software for USBasp based USB AVR programmers




Connections to the traget microcontroller:-

        * you can programe many microcontroller by using this schematic , all you need to do is that

 find out the data sheet of that mcu you want to program and check the pin configration. and the
 look for PIN MOSI MISO SCK and Reset , the connection will be as follows


USB B type female Connector

10 PIN IDC connector (which shown in the schematic)


  1. You fucking save my life. Thanks so much, cheers from Brazil. :)

  2. in programmer microcontroller 2,3 pins are connected with 2 pins of IDC connector, what is the use of that here?
    thnx in advance

    1. dear here i have connected 2 and 3 pin in IDC connector because of some time we use the pin Rx and Tx for data transfer to computer serial monitor so it is eaisly get from there....
